Guest Blog: Scorpio Season

As a boss, you might plan your business year around the quarters or a fiscal calendar. Maybe you even plan your work around holidays and vacations you plan to take. But do you plan your work around the astrological seasons? I'm here to convince you that you should.

Each month, the Sun enters a new zodiac sign, and we can feel the energy shift on a collective level. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's huge, but we can all feel the general tone of the season we're in. On October 22, Scorpio season begins, and it's one you won't be able to miss.

Scorpio season is one of the most magical and consequently challenging times of the year. Scorpio is the sign of unimaginable transformation. It's the energy that is willing to go deep into the shadow to unearth truth and power. But that path takes energy, stamina and commitment. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, you understand this on a deep level.

Now you may ask yourself, how does transformation affect what I do? And the answer is, a lot.

Transformative energy is the ability to turn challenges into lessons. It's indicative of a true leader. Here are a few ways to utilize this magnetic transformative Scorpio energy this month:

Self study.

Look at your shadow or the parts of yourself as a leader, an individual, or an entrepreneur that could use an upgrade. Be honest with yourself so that you can move forward and transform.

Embrace your feelings.

As stress and uncomfortable situations arise, notice what comes up for you. Notice your triggers or your feelings of sadness. Do your emotions affect your life or your work? How about your role as a leader? Is there a safe time and space where you can process your emotions regularly? Learn more about this process in the fabulous book Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski.

Get creative.

Scorpio is a water element and thus in great communication with intuition and creativity. Carve out some time to be creative and let your imagination flow. Consider taking a day with nothing on the schedule and simply write, paint or dance. Get the creative juices flowing and bring it back to your work with a renewed vitality.

To learn more about cosmic self care and how to use the collective energies in the cosmos for your business and life, check out the Yoga Magic podcast and

Written by Guest blogger, Ashley Sondergaard

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