Guest Blog: Sagittarius Season

A graphic representing sagittarius season 2021

We’re back again for CEOs that follow the stars WITH DETAILS FOR SAGITTARIUS SEASON 2021!

As an entrepreneur, creator, goal-achiever, you’ll be happy to know we have entered one of the most optimistic and joyful times of the year. It’s called Sagittarius season.

If you’re ready to make the most of Sagittarius season 2021, then be sure to keep reading for our best cosmic self care tips.

Exploring Sagittarius Season 2021

Coming off the heels of sad girl autumn (aka Scorpio season), the boost of optimism and exploration that is Sagittarius season is a welcome change. With a shift into this wise fire sign, we can expect bursts of excitement, unexpected outcomes and maybe a little chaos (but the good kind).

So how can we focus on cosmic self care during this season? While still in the throws of eclipse season, it’s important to take plenty of time to rest and reflect through December 10. Now might be a great time to use up that PTO, close the office, or simply take a midday nap.

The final eclipse of the year takes place on December 4 with a showy total solar eclipse. Eclipses signify beginnings and endings. Where the recent lunar eclipse signaled the start of a Scorpio-Taurus dance-off, the December 4 eclipse marks the end of a Gemini-Sagittarius tug of war. Look back at what project you were starting in June of 2020. How’s it wrapping up now? Anything that has transformed or provided a nugget of wisdom over the last year and a half? Now is the time to use that eclipse gift and take action.

Apply your learnings to make the most of Sagittarius season 2021 and prepare to start the new year off on a great foot.

Setting Goals for Sagittarius Season 2021

Sagittarius energy encourages us to explore, take risks, ask questions, and exert our confidence. Seeking adventure can happen on the daily. So how can you leverage this energy to set exciting goals for your business and make some big changes

Perhaps it’s pitching a dreamy client, taking a continued education course you always wanted to take, or outsourcing help for the first time. Dream big, boss babes - this is the season for it!

Ashley Sondergaard rolls up a yoga mat after writing a guest post about sagittarius season 2021

To learn more about cosmic self care and how to use the collective energies in the cosmos for your business and life, check out the Yoga Magic podcast and

Written By Guest Blogger, Ashley Sondergaard

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