As Seen On: Her Next Chapter Podcast

Check out this episode of “Her Next Chapter” to get a little inside scoop about my why and what drives me.

This “retro” episode was recorded pre-covid, when we could gather, get together, and travel without the restrictions of the pandemic. I am always inspired when I listen to this show, hosted by my friends Steph Pierce and Julie Burton. It is dedicated to sharing the amazing stories of women who have changed their careers or even their lives, and I was so honored to be featured! 

We chat all about how I ditched my corporate career, and spent 2.5 years traveling with my husband while inadvertently creating/manifesting/conjuring my dream job. While on the road, I discovered that my career goals were fluid, and I learned quickly that I needed to continue nurturing those things that clicked, and scraping the things that didn’t. Once we pressed the pause button on our travel journey,  I realized that those things that I loved about being free to roam the globe were things that I could still have in my daily life in Minneapolis (if I continued to make the choices that were consistent with my life goals)! I didn’t need to go back to the daily grind in the traditional sense because I trusted my instincts and lived intuitively. We discuss obstacles, how to overcome them, and I give some insight into how you might make this lifestyle work for you! For more, please listen in! 

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