Guest Blog: Aquarius Season

Leveraging the power of Aquarius season as a business owner can help ensure you make the most of this impactful time in astrology.

Welcome to Aquarius season! Aquarius, the water bearer, is intelligent, willing to think outside the box, and deeply motivated by the betterment of the community or team. He can teach us a lot about what it means to lead. As the Sun moves from grounded and earthy Capricorn to Airy Aquarius, we may feel a shift from rigid structures and rules (oh hey yet another CDC guidance memo) to non-linear paths and rejuvenating alone time. Are you a parent that has felt the chaos of school and childcare closures affecting your work? Same. Aquarius is much more of a team effort, so when you get in a pinch, don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends and family for help! 

What does Aquarius season mean for you CEOs? Well.. a lot! A true leader sees the growth and success of their team to be a personal and collective win. A true leader thinks creatively and doesn’t worry if said ideas come off as a little weird. A true leader holds space for the emotions of their peers rather than making it about their own emotions. Aquarius is such a boss… although they won’t admit it. 

As the season changes, we also experience the first Mercury Retrograde of the year. When Mercury, the planet of communication, information and technology, appears to move backwards, it adds an extra layer of frustration, confusion, and mixups. Mercury is retrograding through the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, so you may find this retrograde extra potent in your friendships and work life. Or both! Expect the unexpected but learn to laugh it off. In a couple weeks, you’ll forget it ever happened.

On January 18th, a major astrological shift takes place. The lunar nodes, or imaginary points on the moon, change to the signs they’ll reside in for the next 18th months. This is a collective shift that is punctuated by the powerful eclipses throughout the next year and half. The South Node moves from Sagittarius to Scorpio and the North Node moves from Gemini to Taurus. We can embrace this change by getting in touch and learning to release our grief, sorrow and deepest shadows (Scorpio) and embrace moments of luxury, gratitude, and yummy earthly possessions (Taurus). More to come on the lunar nodes later in the year, but if you’re curious to discover more now, check out this episode of the Yoga Magic podcast all about this shift.

So…what can you do to show up as the ultimate Aquarian boss? Self-care of course! Here are a couple ways to embrace cosmic self-care this season. 

  • Find adequate alone time

  • Learn something new and different

  • Consider volunteering or working with nonprofit you admire

  • Embrace your weird - try something you’ve always wanted to do but feared judgment

  • Read, read and read some more! 

  • Balance the air energy by grounding through meditation, walks in nature, and simple breathwork. 

To learn more about Leveraging Self care and the stars for your life and head to

Written By Guest Blogger, Ashley Sondergaard

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